Hello Sunday
We are continuing #stay at home days.
My kids are increasing the time of watching You tube..Haha...
They are just boring. They are just playing games, watching You tube, eating.....
We need to do exercise.
Today, we had snow! This time of snow happened since 32 years ago!
We had full bloom of cherry blossoms yesterday and had snowy cherry blossoms today.
This is very rare to have snow in a cherry blossoms season.
Stay safe, Everyone.
stay at home days still going on
Hello Monday.
My kids has been staying at home for about 23rd days due to school has closed down from March 2nd.
They are just boring. They are just playing games, watching You tube, eating.....
How we can continue to keep healthy mentally and physically...
We sometimes do Yoga or Dancing by You tube.
Compared to Europe or U.S., Japan is still have plenty food in the Supermarket or grocery stores that make us feel safer...
We still do not know when the outbreak is going to happen in Japan or Tokyo area....
Stay same, Everyone.
My kids has been staying at home for about 23rd days due to school has closed down from March 2nd.
They are just boring. They are just playing games, watching You tube, eating.....
How we can continue to keep healthy mentally and physically...
We sometimes do Yoga or Dancing by You tube.
Compared to Europe or U.S., Japan is still have plenty food in the Supermarket or grocery stores that make us feel safer...
We still do not know when the outbreak is going to happen in Japan or Tokyo area....
Stay same, Everyone.
投稿 (Atom)
暑い日が続くと、食欲がなくなり、あっさりさっぱりしたものが食べたくなります。 冷たーく冷やして氷の上に盛り付けたそうめんを、めんつゆにつけて食す! まさに夏の暑い日の風物詩です。 リンク でも、そうめんだけを食べていると、途中で飽きてしまいますよね。 ...
鈴木信太郎。 ご存じでしょうか? ある日我が家にかわいいパッケージの缶いりお菓子がやってきました。 見るたびに虜になるあのパッケージに虜になった一人です。 現在お裁縫道具入れとして我が家に滞在中です。 おいなりさんのブログ でも書いた、神田志乃多寿司のパッケ...
たまごやきとは 卵液に、出汁、塩、砂糖等で味付けをし油を引いた調理器具で焼き上げた料理。一般的には四角い卵焼き器で、四角く焼き上げた厚焼き玉子を指す、日本料理です。 お弁当のお供にはかならず入っている黄色くて四角い卵焼き。 欧米や、ヨーロッパでは、卵液を巻いて...